Is Your Water Safe to Release?
Have you thought about how water is used in your business? Many industrial processes rely to some degree on water. If you are involved in textiles or paper production, you will particularly understand the value of water for your manufacturing processes. Perhaps, you may not use water to make anything, but you do use water as a cooling agent. While there will be times that all the water used is consumed during whatever processes are taking place, that isn't always true. Often water used for cooling your machinery is left over once the job is done, and that can create a disposal problem.
Disposing of wastewater
It can be tempting to think that any wastewater can be poured down the drain or emptied into a nearby river, but that could be disastrous for the environment. While the water may look the same at both ends of the process, it has probably undergone substantial changes. One significant change is likely to be the pH level of the water. Water that has been used for industrial purposes can often be much more acidic by the time it is no longer required, as it absorbs properties from its surroundings. Disposing of acidic water can be problematic, as it could be destructive to the natural environment, killing fish and damaging any crops in the vicinity. Before releasing any industrial water from your machinery, you must use pH controllers to correct any imbalance in the pH.
How do pH controllers work?
You must understand that there is a difference between pH meters and pH controllers. A pH meter can help you identify a problem with your water, but it can't do anything to fix it. When you invest in pH controllers, you know that they will come equipped with dosing pumps that will rectify any imbalance in the pH so the water is safe to release back into the wider world.
What pH controllers do you need?
Your supplier can introduce you to their range of pH controllers. Your available budget will be one factor governing your choice of pH controller, but accuracy and ease of use should be equally important considerations. It can help to work through your requirements with your supplier. When you take the time to tell them how you will use the controllers, they can look at their stock and guide you toward the pH controllers that are best suited for your application.
Contact a manufacturer for more information about pH controllers.